Our First Place Winner was submitted by Yves Demers-Paris from Saint-Sauveur Quebec, Canada
For me... Photographers capture moments to create lasting memories or provoke thought and discussion. They work to make statements with their photos, a poem... a fable. Visit more of Yves's amazing work online at: www.pixelangelo.ca
Storm and the Milky Way BY Ignacio Municio
Our Second Place Winner was submitted by Ignacio Municio from Leon, Spain
I am a fan of landscape and night photography, born in Leon, Spain. Self-taught in most of the time, I like to capture unique moments in unique places, that's why I travel to countries with special landscapes. Winner of the Fine Art Photography Awards in the category of landscape in 2018, and awarded in other contests such as the Epson Pano Awards, Memorial Maria Luisa and ND AWARDS. Visit more of Ignacio's amazing work online at: www.imuniciophoto.com
Garden of the Gods by Craig Bill
Our Third Place Winner was submitted by Craig Bill from Austin Texas
My name is Craig Bill and I am a landscape photographer residing in Austin, Texas USA. Photography, I feel in my life, has always seemed a relevant and appropriate tool for expression. Technological advances in this industry not only allow me to appreciate and utilize past techniques, but embrace the future of photographic science... one without limitations.
Our Honorable Mention Winner was also submitted by Garry Everett from West Sacramento, California
My name is Garry Everett and I am a landscape/wildlife photographer currently living in West Sacramento. My interest in photography came later in life and was sparked while travelling on vacation and business to various locations around the USA and abroad. Photography allows me the opportunity to slow down and focus on the remarkable world that surrounds us, this provides a sense of escape from the somewhat hectic and chaotic lives we live today. I particularly find sunrise a very peaceful time of the day as the pressure of our daily lives fade away into the scene before me. It has become a passion through photography to capture and share this peaceful beauty and the sense of awe I experience while trying to create that single unique moment in time. My hope is that you will be inspired to go out and explore this amazing planet we live on.
Below are the amazing images that shortlisted into the top tier of this themes competition. A big congratulations to all the talented photographers that participated!